Looking for Meditation and Mindfulness Classes in San Diego?

ims LOGOI offer meditation and mindfulness classes in San Diego California. In the Fall of 2017, I opened a new portal to Awakening, The Hana Circle. Our mission is to enter the stillness of meditation and use the practice of Zen mindfulness to awaken the already present guru within.

The Hana Circle usually meets the first Sunday of the month at 12:30.   If you would like to join the circle, which seems to be drawing advanced seekers,  click here to email me

Please know that there are many classes available to assist you as you begin to begin or deepen your meditation and mindfulness practice.  Look for a teacher who is Enlightened or studies with Enlightened Masters.  Why?  Sitting with Enlightened teachers includes transmitting the light from teacher to student.  Many students who studied with a Master and decide to teach have built into their spiritual DNA the gift of transmission.

Here are some of the sites you may want to peruse to see what classes look interesting. Teachers below studied with Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz.  Each teacher uses the totality of their experiences to assist students.

Dharma Center (an organization which I cofounded in 1998)
Rama Meditation Society
Bakersfield Meditation Society